This will be interesting Barbara. It’s a great idea and I’m looking forward to taking part

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I wasn't able to make a second selection in the poll. It would have been Collaborative Research/Trees.

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Thank you Deborah. I added a correction on the post to make it only one selection. If it is a neck & neck situation with Collaborative research/trees, we can take your preference into consideration. It’s all very casual.

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Unfortunately, Deborah, it appears these polls only allow for one selection. Thanks for joining in. This is a continual experiment but we hope to learn at each step.

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I've never done a poll in my Substack so I don't know how they work (future Office Hours?). While I wouldn't do it for this post, if you do something like this in the future, perhaps you can run two polls -- the first for the first choice and the second for the second choice.

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Ya gotta love a simple solution! It's "two-choice voting" (a close cousin of ranked-choice voting. 😉)

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