9am AEST is noon NZDT

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Ah, Jane, forgive me for not correcting this sooner. Not only did I have the NZDT to AEST wrong just as all the times changed for you to Summer and for us to Autumn, I went three weeks without responding. 🤦‍♀️ I also noticed that my clever link to the next program takes you to the registrations for January forward.

We actually have two more Office Hours program timed for the Atlantic region in 2024 and you can register for either (or both) of them here (where Zoom takes care of the display of local times 😮‍💨): https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZckd-uqpjgtH9zjWfOYkTxTqUZBnXjrNtm9#/registration

Also, I've added a new filtered view that lets you pull up all MissionGenealogy dates from their home on the Projectkin calendar at MissionGenealogy.org/events. I hope that's helpful

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I am indeed confused and frustrated. I've only been publishing for 18 days so I'm looking forward to your next get together on Zoom, Tuesday October 8th.

Many thanks Robin and Barbara for this opportunity.


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See you then!

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For our next Office Hours meeting on September 10

⮕ I've popped a new thread in the Member Chat section. Let's start the discussion there: open.substack.com/chat/posts/49955fc6-91c2-4db5-b169-85baa3607d56

⮕ Register for the session at MissionGenealogy.org/next-officehours (I hope to keep that updated with the registration page for the next meeting each month)

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