How to be Part of the Mission: Genealogy Podcast

About the Mission: Genealogy Podcast

With host,

Robin Stewart, Mission: Genealogy

The podcast aims to shine a light on the authors of Genealogy and Family History newsletters and blogs on Substack so others can learn more about their stories, projects, and experiences. The podcast cast is published once each month.

Be Our Guest

We’d love to feature you as our guest. Robin Stewart conducts interviews over Zoom, so there’s no need to travel. The questions revolve around the genealogy background, your projects, the focus of your Substack newsletter or blog, and something the viewer can learn from your experience or expertise.

Tell Us About Your Substack

If you’d like to be our guest on the podcast, tap the button below and answer a few questions for us as background. All submissions will be considered; however, space is limited. We’ll prioritize active members with current work relevant to the interests of other members in our community. You should see a confirmation when we receive your request.

will follow up with any questions and — if we can accommodate you — to schedule the podcast interview. 

Submit Request

If you have questions, please send

a message here.