What’s this Mission: Genealogy?

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Mission: Genealogy is a place for community conversations among family historians and genealogists. We are platform-independent, free of fees, and welcoming to all.

Join a community of people who share your interests—at no cost. Unsubscribe at any time.

Learn more about who we are and why we built this here:

And why should I subscribe?

When you subscribe to Mission: Genealogy, you’ll get every post in your inbox and full access to the publication archives.

Join the community as a subscriber or follower, and you might discover other family historians and genealogists exploring the same lineages and villages you’re studying. You’ll find like-minded researchers exchanging contributions, opening discussions, and sharing resources.

Help with recommendations

Recommendations are a compelling way Substack connects “birds of a feather.” We think they’re such an important tool that we’ve created a page to share the recommendations pages for other


Explore the Recommendations of Members

Want to help us out? Add a few words and tell others why you think our programming and community are interesting and useful. Together we’ll help everyone get the most out of the platform and focus on getting our family stories told.

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Learn more from Substack about how recommendations work or from our own article that led to that community list above:

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Subscribe to Mission: Genealogy

Building a warm and generous community on Substack for genealogists and family historians. We are free of fees and platform-independent. Join us for our good company, podcasts, roundtables, and office hours.


Founder of Cuzens Genealogy. A genealogist for the past 40 years, I now focus on preserving family history, because genealogy matters. I publish GenStack weekly to shine a light on the best genealogy and family history content out that week.
We are Robin and Barbara, the minders for the Mission: Genealogy community. We're building a genealogy community on Substack. Visit MissionGenealogy.org to learn more.
I'm your "ringleader" for Projectkin.org, a community of family historians hooked on stories. Together, we explore capturing, curating, and collaborating on family history stories in a modern digital world. ⮕ Join us?
Ringleader at Projectkin.org, a community of family historians hooked on stories. I'm the one tossing packets at the Projectkin forum hosted on Substack at Projectkin.Substack.com. Join us?